Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Memphis Bell

Just had an idea of an image of 70's Elvis on a phone. It seems interesting and a little funny to me how Elvis was so famous at that time, but his whole image was all about this distance between you and him. The rings, the hair, the shades, rushing through crowds, off planes, making deals, all this stuff stands between us and Elvis.

I'v been enjoying drawing type by hand so much these days, so I did this sort-of corporate ID for an Elvis-themed phone company.

Catching up with Drawing Group sketches from work

Here are some of the sketches from the Drawing Group I started at work. All of these are from 2013 & a little of 2014. Hopefully I'll get some of these up on here more more regularly

Monday, October 22, 2012

General Lee

I found a site called 8-Bit Zombie and I was very interested in the way (on some of their designs) they were mixing different elements of 80's nostalgia in a pretty organic way, like Thrashor, a mix of Thrasher culture, He-Man, and 80's movie horror. Even subtle things like the picture of Beetlejuice with the head of the movie incarnation and the body of the cartoon series'. I was looking for inspiration for the sake of practice, so I made General Lee. I'm happy with him. I was thinking giving him a background and framing him like a trading card, for that is the context in which I envisioned this particular style, but then what is that, an 8-Bit Zombie rip off?

Anyway, here he is. Someday the mountain might get him, but the law never will.